A smoothie a day can help keep your cravings at bay! Let’s talk about all the reasons why I love incorporating smoothies into my diet in honor of National Smoothie Day!

Smoothies and shakes are great for so many reasons. They’re super convenient to take on-the-go, they can make a great nutrient-dense breakfast or snack, they’re incredibly versatile and easy to make.

Here’s how I build the perfect smoothie :

🦴 Protein - I always include collagen protein in my smoothies and shakes. This can be my Bone Broth Protein or my collagen peptides

🥑 Healthy Fats - avocados, nut butters, coconut milk, or even MCT oil. Healthy fats will also give your smoothie a more creamy and rich texture.

⭐️ Fiber - smoothies are an easy way to add to your fiber intake. Throw in a serving of flax seeds, chia seeds or a handful of berries, this will also help keep you feeling fuller longer.

🥦 Veggies - load your smoothies up with greens for added vitamins, minerals and fiber! Spinach is a great green to add to boost nutrition

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