Tara Garrison | Do Keto But Not Forever

Elle Russ chats with Tara Garrison - a peak performance coach who helps high performers including celebrities, professional athletes, top executives and every day badasses optimize theirhealth through training, nutrition, lab testing, and mindset coaching. She is the founder of HIGHER: Women Who Rise, a health and life optimization coaching experience for high performing women. She is also the creator of the popular Keto In & Out System, in which she teaches how to “Do Keto. Not Forever” to optimize metabolism, brain power, athletic performance and physique. Tara is a mom of 4, avid weightlifter, Boston Marathoner and lover of nature. You can find her daily on Instagram where she shares the inner workings of her life, health education and motivation. She is certified through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), International College of Applied Nutrition and Strength (ICANS), is a Certified Functional Strength Coach (CFSC), Certified Neurotyping Coach and a Metabolic Analytics practitioner.

Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
