Brad Kearns Morning Routine For Flexibility, Mobility, and Core Strength

Brad Kearns, New York Times bestselling author, Guinness World Record Speedgolfer, former #3 world-ranked professional triathlete, and #1 ranked USA Masters age 55-59 high jumper presents his popular morning movement routine, revised and expanded (from his original 2017 video) after careful long-term adaptation into the level of automatic daily habit. Starting your day with a deliberate movement routine can be life-changing, because it creates the leverage and the power to become a more focused and disciplined person in all other areas of daily life. There are numerous other benefits to a morning movement routine:

*Elevates the platform from which you launch all of your formal workouts, especially if you include flexibilty, mobility, balance and specific injury prevention exercises

*Fantastic natural morning energizer: Getting the blood and oxygen flowing throughout the body, and ideally getting direct sunlight (and perhaps even cold air temperature exposure) is better than caffeine - seriously!

*Boosts your daily movement quota: Starting your day with activity sets the tone and creates momentum for an active day. And if you happen to get too busy to do a proper workout, at least you complete your morning routine every day.

*Gets you away from tech: 84% of Americans reach for their phone as their first act upon awakening. This puts you in a reactive mindset from which it’s difficult to recover from. Starting your day with a pro-active routine creates powerful neural associations that you value your health and personal time over hyperconnectivity and distractability.

While Brad demonstrates an assortment of challenging movements designed to support his sprinting and jumping athletic goals, these are just for ideas and inspiration. It’s important to custom design a routine that works for you. Make it simple and do-able every day. Important! Don’t make it too strenuous or too long in duration out of the gate. You must strive for consistency, convenience, and low stress. If five minutes is all you can spare right now, start with that. Over time, when the routine has become integrated into habit, you may choose to increase the duration and degree of difficulty in a manner that feels natural and fun. Finally, place extreme importance on doing your routine as soon as possible upon awakening every single day no matter what.

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