Food For Thought | Why You Should Have a Variety of Oils to Cook With

Are you using the same oil every time you go to cook? If so, you’re definitely going to want to take notes.

Every oil has different health benefits which is one of the reasons I love to diversify them when cooking.

Here are some of my favorites:

🥥 Coconut Oil - full of MCTs, a great energy source. Coconut oil is great for both cooking and baking, just note this does bring on a strong coconut flavor to your food.

🥑 Avocado Oil - this can increase your absorption of antioxidants. It’s also found to boost your body’s natural collagen production which gets two thumbs up for me!

🥜 Macadamia Nut Oil is a high-index heat oil, great for foods cooked at a high temperature. It’s also loaded with vitamin E which promotes hair and skin health.

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