We have made it to Costco twice and these are the things we found to work well for us. The KIND bars are always first on our lists because when we are out and about it saves us a lot of money to be able to eat a filling snack. The frozen fruits and vegetables are organic for the most part and in larger bags, which we like. Meat has been a bit hit or miss. The beef wasn't less expensive but I did like that the chicken was separately packaged for freezing. Overall we do like Costco but I am really going to be happy when the garden is up and growing and the chickens are laying because the cost each time is worth adding food storage but for a weekly budget it feels like a lot.
Our Website: Store:
Pinterest: Dirtpatcheaven@gmail.com
Packages and Snail Mail to:
PO Box 431
Rigby, Idaho, 83442
Earthly Possessions That Make Sense to Us
(Use the link if you want to support our channel :)
'What Falls From the Sky', by Esther Emery Economy', by William Cobbet Beds', by Jack First Up and Garden', by Mary Moss-Sprague BOOKS
'Teach Your Child To Read in 100 Easy Lessons',
by Siegfried Engelmann TOOLS
Folding Steamer Basket Cooker Strainer TOOLS
Scythe Weed Wacker ( I can't start a gas one Pruners (butchering AND trees) Boots Shirt Canner SEEDS
MI Gardener (affiliate) Code: Dirtpatch10
Territorial Gardens Herbs Savers AND WILDCRAFTING Dirtpatcheaven:
We are a little Idaho family of four living our dream of self reliance whether traveling the country filming other freedom dreamers or living the dream ourself in a little offgrid cabin we finished ourselves. To introduce ourselves we are Julianne (me), Jon (hubby), Paige (my big girl) and Kaia (the baby). We have had a whirlwind adventure the last few years whether we are homesteading, traveling the country in an rv, or living offgrid in a tiny house.
Recommended Reading >> bit.ly/32kRpzw
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